What the hell happened.....What did I miss?: Blippidy Bloo Blah Blay......

What the hell happened.....What did I miss?

if you want to know whats deep inside my mind...feel free to wonder around in there. reach me at: on yahoo messenger: sunny_workman

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Blippidy Bloo Blah Blay......

So many things are going on lately. My mind is just swirling with things. I just could go nuts. Things are still up in the air with Marty, which frustrates the piss out of me. Emmy is going through the terrible two's, which on its own could make me go nutty. My car is on its last leg. Any moment now, it will croak. Its hot!! Traffic sucks, I can't lose any weight, I'm broke...have I forgotten anything? Probably, but I will just save that for another bitch session!!!


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